Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Good Evening

Hey there, people of the internet. My name just happens to be Lara, and this is my blog. Because this is my first post, I think I ought to point out two things: 1, who am I, and 2, what is my blog.
1. Who Am I?
My name is Lara, as I mentioned earlier. I have this problem that involves me getting bored of things very quickly. (Read: It's school holidays). I'm from Australia, and yes I am still in school. Not for much longer, thank the holy cheezels above.
I also have this problem that involves me making up, or improving words, as I like to say. A few of my favourites are woopsidoodle, holy cheezels, indeedio, okely dokely and ning nong. I may or may not have stolen ning nong off a friend.
You can also find me here:
Twitter- twitter.com/perriebomb
Tumblr- epilepteology.tumblr.com AND holasydney.tumblr.com
If you happen to find me from here, let me know and I'll follow you back or whatever else you wanted.
2. What is my blog?
This blog is served basically to create some form of entertainment for you guys. I'll be posting some short stories, maybe longer stories (if I ever finish one), rants about the internet, my own opinion on important events, reviews of things I've tried and possibly some videos of covers.
I hope to post every 4 days.
So you, whoever you are, enjoy your time here and come back soon. :)

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